Before your stay

During your stay

Contact information

The Hochschule Hannover strongly recommends and supports student mobilities. All faculties of Hochschule Hannover have appointed responsible persons of contact for international affairs. Please direct questions concerning Learning Agreements, course program, ECTS and Transcript of Records to the responsible persons at the faculties. Please find the responsible contact persons here:

International Faculty Officer, Faculty III

Claudia Fortagne

Mitarbeiterin, Dekanat Fakultät III (D-F3)

Room: 2E.4.03
Expo Plaza 12
30539 Hannover


International Faculty Officer, Faculty IV

Non-Public Person

International Faculty Officer, Faculty V (acting)

Non-Public Person

Any questions concerning general organization and support, Arrival and Departure Forms, Enrolment Certificates, Letter of Confirmation may be directed to the Incoming Team.

Please contact us at hsh-incoming(at)